Wednesday, February 17, 2021



10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10. Wat Phra Kaew, Thailand  or better known as Temple of the Emerald Buddha It is a temple that was built during the reign of King Phra Phutthayodfa Chulalok the Great. Is the place where the Emerald Buddha image It is popular with many tourists, both Thai and foreigners. The landmarks that tourists are especially popular are Giants guarding the gates Around the temple itself


10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries
9. Fortress Intramuros, Philippines Ancient colonial city Along the Pasig River Located in Manila Built in the year. It was founded in 1571 by Spanish colonists. As a historical civilization heritage There are fortifications and city walls. It has an area of ​​more than 395 rai. Admission is free. It doesn't cost anything.



10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

8. Halong Bay, Vietnam Also known as Halong Bay, it is a must-see destination when visiting Vietnam. Because in addition to being declared a natural world heritage From UNESCO It's a garden of Ton Kea Bay. Bordering the border with China Beautiful scenery There are 1,969 limestone islands emerging from the sea surface. And with water, wooden poles Which has become popular from a lot of traveling From Hanoi city, there are buses only 160 kilometers. 


10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

7. Borobudur, Indonesia or Borobudur Temple Compounds is another important architecture of Mahayana Buddhism. A tourist attraction And the sacred things of Indonesia Up until the 13th-14th century Buddhism is located in Central Java, Java Island made of lava rock It covers an area of ​​more than 55,000 square meters and is regarded as a World Heritage Site. 


10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries


10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

6. Merlion, Singapore  Well known already For the landmark of Singapore Which is a statue of a lion's head Below is a fish Spraying water towering in the middle of the city The statue is over 8.6 meters tall and weighs more than 70 tons and is made of cement and was designed in 1964 by Fraser Brunner.


 10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

5. Petonas Vetiver Tower, Malaysia  88-storey building in the heart of Kuala Lumpur Known as the KLCC, it is known as the tallest twin towers in the world. Get inspired From the geometry of Islamic architecture Designed by Argentine-American architect Caesar Pelle, 4th floor at the very popular and modern science center. Other floors have a shopping mall, an aquarium. And meeting center Can be called one building, all tastes 



10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

4. Pratuchai, Laos  Towering in the heart of Vientiane capital Completed in 1969 to be built as a memorial. To commemorate the people of Laos who sacrificed their lives In the war preceding the revolution of the Communist Party Architecture of this arch Has been influenced by the triumphal arch from France But also has an aura of Laos, such as Buddha art The epic Ramayana picture, etc. Important here, the admissions are very cheap, only about 2,000 petals. 


10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

3. Omar Ali Saifaddin Mosque, Brunei Darussalam In Bandar Seri Begawan The capital city of Brunei Darussalam is an ancient mosque. Built in honor of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin, the 28th King of Brunei, the mosque was designed and operated by Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin, whose architectural style is beautiful And one of the most outstanding in the world


 10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

2. Angkor Wat, Cambodia  When talking about Cambodia, everyone has to think about it first. Because of this castle Also registered as a world heritage Located in the city of Phra Nakhon, Siem Reap Province It was built during the reign of King Suryavarman 2 as his regular place of worship. The temple itself has been well preserved. Until it is the only important religious center that has survived to the present


 10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries

10 landmarks to visit  ASEAN countries
1. Shwedagon Pagoda, Burma,  stands tall in Yangon and contains the Lord Buddha's eight strands of hair. With more than 2,000 years of legendary history, the Guinness Book of Records classified Shwedagon Pagoda as the tallest and oldest pagoda in the world. It is a landmark that Burmese people and popular tourists go to worship and make a wish. 


  10. Wat Phra Kaew, Thailand   or better known as  Temple of the Emerald Buddha  It is a temple that was built during the reign of King Phr...